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Accessible Bathrooms | Water Retainers | Senior & handicapped products
At Accessible Bathrooms Inc, we care about enhancing the living of your loved ones by providing bathroom accessibility products and services that assist anyone's life with a physical disability. Our catalog of products offers affordable prices and highlights products that make anyone's life easier. We strive to make a difference as well as to help you find the right solution for any accessibility condition that you may be experiencing. Visit our new enhanced website or call us to discuss your needs.
Accessible Bathrooms Inc specializes in offering services and bathroom products that enhance the life of seniors and people with disabilities with the purpose to help and enhance their way of living as well as to improve their challenges while assisting the care taker job assisting caregiver/family member. From Water Retainers to End-caps, Toilevators to Toilet seats designed for people with disabilities, we carry overhead Lifts, Bathtubs, Toilets, Shower Curtain and Accessories, Grab Bars, Sinks and products that help people manage conditions like: Parkinson's, ALS, Strokes, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Cancer, TBI, MS, COPD, Arthritis and many other disabilities. Our services are tailored to modify, recommend, redesign, improve or install accessible bathrooms products into any environment needed. We are looking forward to working with you.
Our stores
420 S. Hindry Ave, Suite B
Los Angeles, California 90301
Monday - Friday: 9AM - 6PM
Saturday: 11AM - 9PM
Sunday: Closed